Беспилотник ВСУ атаковал школу в поселке Борисовка Белгородской области, сообщил губернатор Вячеслав Гладков. Утром 27 декабря в семи аэропортах России вводили временные ограничения на прием и отправку самолетов. Позже Росавиация сообщила о штатной работе всех воздушных гаваней. Президент Сербии Александар Вучич заявил, что Китай может помочь урегулировать конфликт на Украине. Глава МИД Бланар подтвердил готовность Словакии предоставить площадку для переговоров. «Газета.Ru» ведет хронику событий.
The text is providing a news update on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, specifically focusing on events related to day 1038 of the war.
The main conceptual ideas presented are:
* Continuing hostilities: The war continues with both sides engaged in action.
* Ukrainian retreat: Ukrainian forces are reported to be withdrawing from certain territories in the Donetsk People's Republic.
* Western pressure: International actors, including the United States, are urging Ukraine to be more cautious in their use of military resources.
* Russian offensive: Russia is conducting ongoing military operations, including both single large-scale and multiple smaller attacks on Ukrainian targets.
* Civilian impact: The conflict is having a direct impact on civilians, as evidenced by the attack on a Ukrainian ambulance.
* Travel advisory: China is advising its citizens against traveling to Ukraine due to safety concerns.
The number "1038" indicates the day this update specifically covers within the ongoing war. Overall, the passage conveys a sense of continued conflict with no clear resolution in sight.
The text is providing a news update on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, specifically focusing on events related to day 1038 of the war. The main conceptual ideas presented are: * Continuing hostilities: The war continues with both sides engaged in action. * Ukrainian retreat: Ukrainian forces are reported to be withdrawing from certain territories in the Donetsk People's Republic. * Western pressure: International actors, including the United States, are urging Ukraine to be more cautious in their use of military resources. * Russian offensive: Russia is conducting ongoing military operations, including both single large-scale and multiple smaller attacks on Ukrainian targets. * Civilian impact: The conflict is having a direct impact on civilians, as evidenced by the attack on a Ukrainian ambulance. * Travel advisory: China is advising its citizens against traveling to Ukraine due to safety concerns. The number "1038" indicates the day this update specifically covers within the ongoing war. Overall, the passage conveys a sense of continued conflict with no clear resolution in sight.